June 30, 2016 | Save the Children

May he vindicate the afflicted of the people,
Save the children of the needy
And crush the oppressor. [Psalm 72:4 NASB]
If and only if
The Supreme Court of the US ruled this week that female Americans don’t need the basic requirements of a hospital when they engage in surgery on their bodies – if and only if the surgery involves killing an unborn child. This decision was not unexpected but exemplifies the tragic culture of death that permeates much of the modern west (with apologies to Ireland, Finland, Mexico, and Poland, who likely don’t deserve to be lumped in with the rest of us worshipping at the altar of Molech.)
Molech was the first spokesperson for “choice” (look it up)
I received a number of fascinating comments in response to the court’s decision. Here are my favorites:
The Huffington Post claimed the decision “breathes new life into Roe v. Wade.” Breathes new life…seriously, you can’t make this up. Death somehow equals life. – a college student
There is nothing new under the sun. As Exodus 1:22 says, “Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: ‘Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live.'” NIV – a seminary grad/businessman
I am appalled and greatly saddened by today’s Supreme Court decision. It is clear that substandard abortion facilities are harming women as thousands have experienced abortion related complications with large numbers requiring post abortion hospitalization. To address this problem, the Texas Legislature took action with H.B. 2 to protect the lives of women who choose to have an abortion by requiring safety standards for abortion facilities and doctors. The issues surrounding these types of standards hit the national spotlight when our nation was horrified to learn about the atrocities committed by Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was found to be responsible for the deaths of several women due to the uncleanliness of his facility. Dr. Gosnell was also convicted of murdering little babies that had survived his abortion procedures. The Texas Legislature had taken action to stop these types of senseless deaths and today, liberals on the Supreme Court sent a strong message that the safety of women is not a priority…This battle is far from over and we should be encouraged by the fact that H.B. 2’s ban on abortions after 20 weeks will remain in effect, because unborn babies feel the pain of the abortion procedure after this period of time. As the rights of the unborn and the health and safety of women continue to be under assault, I will continue to stand with them and fight. – a Congressman who helped write the Texas law before the court.
We battle not against flesh and blood
He’s right. The war against this culture of death continues. In fact, the outcome looks brighter every day, despite legal setbacks. Frankly, when you win acceptance of your definition, you are assured eventual victory. For example, when “gay” became accepted in place of “sodomy,” the cultural die was cast. In the same way, nearly every American refers to an “unborn child” instead of “foetus.” That all but assures the eventual protection of babies in the USA.
Of course, the most important battles occur in our own hearts. We who know YHWH must rejoice in Him, especially as He transforms us into destroyers of our own “high places” of idolatry. (See Habakkuk 3). Starting with self, may we see idolatry, selfishness, and nonsense defeated daily. Then, may truth spread heart by heart – a process that makes all the difference, even in the lands of Molech.